lørdag den 23. november 2013

Stop it...

Stop it right now....

A lot of people write me on Facebook or ask my in the everyday life:
How do you get the time for what you are doing? You are alone with a child, have a full-time job and on top of that you work out almost every day?

The answer to this is really really simple. 

I don't get time, I have the same time as you do! 

I MAKE the time. I MAKE every single day count. 

I never say, never. I always always pack my gym bag in advance, so I can work out at any time I get a chance. Because I don't get a lot of chances, with my child dad living in the states, I'm very alone with my daughter. 

Normally I plan a week ahead, but sometimes I look in the calender and I plan a month ahead. I have an awesome family, a amazing nanny and a fabulous neighbor and without them, I wouldn't be able to do it. I thank them with all my heart every single day. 

The next question is: but how do you get the energy?

Again the answer is really simple I get the energy from working out. It was difficult to start with, I made mistakes and I still make mistakes, I still cheat and I still sometimes fall asleep on the sofa in the living room. But I get up again, brush the quilt off like it was dust and keep going. Why? Because I love it, because it gives me the energy, I feel so good and Im a good example to my almost 3 year old daughter.

So what does it take, how long do you work out for? 

Its normally just 30 mins, but its 30 mins of HIIT. High Intensive Interval Training. I use elements from Crosfit, Cross Gym, TRX and Kettlebells to. I give it all I got and then its over in NO TIME. 

Im 100 % You can do it to… Think about it? 30 mins a day, or every other day and maybe you can get a 1 hour workout in once a week. Take your child in a stroller and run, walk, go to the playground, there is 100 of things, you can do to on a playground. Do you remember when you were a child and you were climbing, hanging from bars, jumping up and down, running. You didn't even think about it, it came naturally. Thats whats in it for me, it comes naturally, its fun and I can do things now, that I haven't been able to do ever in my life. I know its nothing compared to some people, but for me, its amazing and it gives me self-confidence, it makes me happy when people write me an email and tells me, that they want to see more, the want to do the same or ask me how I do it. 

So what are you waiting for, TAKE your 30 mins? Who do you want to be today, for your children, in your life? Im sure it is not a lazy, unhappy person…

Come on and join me :)

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